ART Conference 2021 – Fort Myers, FL

Always one of the favorite events at ART Conference, this year’s community service project touched nearly 200 individuals in southwestern Florida.

For this year’s project, attendees helped fill up 180 bags with provisions for individuals in need. The care packages were distributed by the Abuse Counseling and Treatment Center, Golisano Children’s Hospital and several United Way organizations. 

In all, 20 bags were filled for the children’s hospital, 50 backpacks were filled for the United Way to distribute to children, 30 each were sent to respective women’s and men’s missions and 20 went to an elder care center. 

Additionally, quilts and blankets provided by Avasa were sent as part of the project, and Goode Deals, Inc., a Tulsa, Okla.-based business owned by Rex and Jan Yoakley, went above and beyond with donations. Additional sponsors who contributed tothe project included Elk Home, Loloi, Howard Elliott, Juniper and Aviva Stanoff Designs. 

A special thanks is owed to IMC’s Janice Lassiter, who spearheaded the project and worked closely with the organizations to ensure that everybody touched by the organizations got everything they needed.   Long hours, dedication and persistence, we couldn’t have done it without her.  

It all came together here…..